
Saturday, March 2, 2013

Review: Diamond Candles

Anyone who knows me knows that my latest obsession is with Diamond Candles! Diamond Candles is an awesome company that produces quality soy candles...with a bonus! Remember Cracker Jack? Think that- but more refined! There is a ring hidden in every 20 oz. candle that is worth $10, $100, $1,000 or even $5,000! You won't know what the ring looks like until you burn the candle down. The candles are $24.95 each, but are well worth it. There are plenty of great coupon codes floating around and a referral program that makes it easy to afford these yummy-smelling candles!

I first became a DC addict, thanks to my friend Lauren! I noticed she had a few at her house and asked about them- and the rest is history! I ordered my first one- Carnival Candy- and fell in love. More about that candle, and my second (Tropical Retreat) later.

But first, here are the three that arrived today! I ordered a bunch this past weekend with discount codes and these are the ones that came early- two Hawaiian Coconut candles and one Honeydew Melon. Yum.

I decided to burn one of the Hawaiian Coconut ones tonight! Here's some close-ups...

See that gold foil? That's where the ring is! 

Burning instructions!

Burn baby burn!!

So while I wait for my candle to burn...here's my review of the two candles I got before these three!

Carnival Candy!

The first candle, Carnival Candy, smelled JUST like cotton candy! And I REALLY LOVE cotton candy! I may have to get another of those. The candle produced a gorgeous ring (worth $10) but it was a bit too big, so I sold it to someone who could wear it! Oh, and there's my first (and only) video reveal- I'm not sure I have camera skills to keep doing this, haha!

The second candle, Tropical Retreat, smelled like the beach! I got this for Valentine's Day from the boy. This candle also had a $10 ring that was also too big (I wear size 4…I know, I have midget fingers!) and so I’m trading it on the Diamond Candle trading Facebook page! There’s an entire community of people obsessed with Diamond Candles- so I definitely don’t feel alone! I also want to mention that their customer service is top notch! They are very active on FB and will reply to your posts almost immediately!

So, have I gotten you hooked yet? Do you want a Diamond Candle of your own? DC also has a nice referral program- once you buy a candle, you’ll get a link like this one to share with your friends. Your friends will get $5 off their candle and you’ll get $5 store credit for your next DC!

Hope you enjoy Diamond Candles as much as I have- but be careful, it spirals into an addiction VERY easily! Follow Diamond Candles on Twitter, keep up with them on Facebook, or check out pictures of rings and candles found by others on Instagram!

Oh and before I forget...here's what I found in the above Hawaiian Coconut ring! Gorgeous, right?!

The prettiest ring to date!
